Australian Opal Elegant Sterling Silver Bracelet ( 138844 )

£129.95 Sale

The bracelet weighs 5.5gm and is adjustable from 7.5 Inch to 8.5 Inch.

Austrlian Opal is a beautiful and high vibration crystal that carries ancient wisdom and stimulates all the metaphysical gifts. Its energy can quickly dissipate and will need recharging regularly. Powerfully transformative, it burns off the karma of the past, helps you to face your deepest fears and opens the way to rebirth. A joy-filled stone, of infinite expansion, Australian Opal gives insight, stimulates your creativity and assists manifesting your highest will on earth. It carries positive personal and planetary dragon energy and is a vehicle for the fire and earth elementals.

Australian Opal can be programmed to bring about needed changes. Placed on various chakras it ignites kundalini power, opens the alta major chakra, assists in transmuting anger and environmental cleansing and regeneration. It can assist weight loss by addressing underlying emotions, brings all the subtle bodies into equilibrium and releases blockages and imprints. Australian Opal works best at the subtle or psychosomatic soul level of healing. It purifies and strengthens the biomagnetic field and the emotional body, and brings the etheric blueprint into balance so that changes manifest in the physical body. Working with this stone regularly helps to enhance your energetic sensitivity and awareness so that you become more attuned to crystal, personal, earth and planetary energies. You may need to use a shielding stone such as Healers Gold that facilitates working at interface if the sensations become too acute.

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