Azeztulite Amazez Natural Crystal ( 563106 )

£29.95 Sale
The crystal weighs 57gm and measures 55mm
The Amazez comes with a guarantee card

 Robert Simmons writes: “Amazez can stimulate and bring Light to any chakra, or to any part of one’s subtle energy body. It fills the whole body with powerful currents of blessing and purification, and it is easily grounded through the feet. It can be used to bring spiritual aid to any weak or afflicted areas of the body, awakening  the power of one’s Divine Blueprint. 


Amazez can be used as a tool in ‘psychic surgery,’ allowing the practitioner to ‘cut out’ attachments, negative thought forms and entities. Amazez purifies one’s field in a way that enables conscious interaction with higher beings on many spiritual planes, including the Azez themselves.


 Amazez is an excellent stone for out-of-body travel, raising one’s vibration high enough to transcend the body while simultaneously protecting one from negative influences. It can be used in shamanic journeys, especially to the Upper World. 


Amazez enhances all the psychic capacities, including clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, remote viewing, prophetic vision and psychic healing. It can stimulate intuitive abilities, acting as a source of creative inspiration and instant knowing. Amazez can powerfully activate the ‘Mouth of God’ chakra near the top of the spine at the back of the head, so that our latent Divine energies can circulate properly and bring us to enlightenment.


Amazez which has undergone the Azozeo process vibrates at a whole new level. It provides instant purification of one’s auric field, banishing any and all negative attachments. In psychic surgery, it becomes a tool for ‘laser surgery,’ providing the practitioner with the ability to inwardly see all of the gray areas or negative fixation points in the client’s etheric body, as well as a Tool of Light capable of ‘burning away’ such dysfunctional fixations. In shamanic journeys, Azozeo Amazez acts like an express elevator to the Upper World, and it enhance the clarity of one’s visions and interactions with the beings one meets in this realm. It so powerfully opens the psychic doorways that the only question is whether one is ready to experience all that it can offer. Yet it also enhances one’s capacity for such an astonishing array of visionary awareness through the cleansing purification of one’s own being. 


Azozeo Amazez can send out a beam of energy capable of burrowing through all layers of blockage to inner vision and enlightened awareness. It can trigger the establishment of a vibrational link between the third eye and the Mouth of God chakras, sometimes creating powerful experiences of spiritual awakening.”

Photograph's taken under daylight lighting lamps


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