Colombian Lemurian Master Seed Crystal Code Keeper Quartz ( 681575 )

£69.95 Sale

The crystal weighs 109gm and measures 110mm x 30 mm

Colombian Lemurian Quartz is the purest and finest Quartz in the world. Its Ultra translucent pure look is so clear its like looking through Ice. 

These Code Keeper Lemurian are coded with like barcode lines but inside the crystal you will find consciousness and light. These crystals are very new to the market and ready to share their knowledge from which they carry multi dimensional information. 

If you hold the stone, or hold it against your third eye, the flow of information starts calmly. The energy waves through you, it frees you from all things you are stuck with or in, it goes through your whole being. During this process the crystal keeps you grounded. 

Lemerian Code Keeper crystals activate your third eye & crown Chakras and soul star chakra's which is just above the crown, and represents the divine, spiritual energy that encompasses the universe. They let you awaken again, to become your pure self, so that you can create whatever you wish, this is your birth right
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