Super Seven Melody Stone Polished Red Point ( 9 )

£44.95 Sale
The Super Seven weighs 127gm and measures 90mm x 45mm


Super Seven, also known as Sacred Seven or Melody's Stone, is a unique and highly sought-after crystal known for its powerful metaphysical properties. This extraordinary crystal is a combination of seven different minerals: Amethyst, Cacoxenite, Clear Quartz, Goethite, Lepidocrocite, Rutile, and Smoky Quartz. Each mineral contributes its own distinct energy and healing properties, making Super Seven a potent stone for spiritual growth and transformation.


The Super Seven crystal in question features a striking red polished tip, which enhances its visual appeal and amplifies its energetic properties. The polished tip reveals the intricate beauty and depth of the crystal's structure, showcasing the natural interplay of colors and minerals within. The red hue, often associated with grounding and vitality, adds a vibrant and energizing aspect to the crystal.

  • Color: Predominantly clear with visible inclusions of the seven minerals. The red polished tip stands out, adding a dynamic and intense coloration to the overall appearance.
  • Form: Natural crystal formation with a smooth, polished tip. The rest of the crystal may retain its raw, unpolished texture, providing a tactile contrast.
  • Size: Varies, typically ranging from small handheld pieces to larger specimens suitable for display or meditation use.

Metaphysical Properties

Super Seven is revered for its ability to connect with all chakras, harmonizing and balancing the body's energy centers. The red polished tip, in particular, is believed to focus on the root chakra, grounding the user's energy and providing a sense of stability and security.

  • Healing: Known for its powerful healing properties, Super Seven can aid in physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. It is especially useful for those seeking to release old patterns and embrace new growth.
  • Spiritual Growth: Enhances intuition, spiritual awareness, and psychic abilities. It is a stone of ascension, helping to elevate one's consciousness and connect with higher realms.
  • Protection: Provides a shield of protective energy, guarding against negative influences and promoting a sense of safety and well-being.


The Super Seven crystal with a red polished tip can be utilized in various ways to harness its full potential:

  • Meditation: Hold the crystal during meditation to deepen your practice and facilitate spiritual insights.
  • Energy Work: Use it in energy healing sessions to balance and align the chakras, particularly focusing on grounding and root chakra work.
  • Decoration: Display it in your home or sacred space to benefit from its constant, uplifting energy and to enjoy its aesthetic beauty

This Super Seven crystal with a red polished tip is not only a stunning natural specimen but also a powerful ally in your journey toward healing, growth, and spiritual awakening.
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