Azeztulite - What is It?

Azeztulite is a form of Quartz crystal, first discovered in North Carolina in the 1970s and since then, numerous discoveries around the globe have uncovered new varieties of the stone in an array of unique and brilliant colours.

Azeztulite Stone

Although Azeztulite’s chemical makeup always consists of Quartz, its vibration levels are much higher and it doesn’t require regular cleansing to work properly.
Affectionately known as the ‘stone of light, Azeztulite is believed to be one of the Vibrational Ascension’s key elements and is considered by Lightworkers to be an important tool because of the bridge it creates between different realms, when activated. Azeztulite releases incredible energy with healing properties and this intense power activates all the Chakras and harmonizes them with the upper realm, allowing the user to connect with higher levels of energy.

Azeztulite and Its Uses

If you practice using healing stones, you will most likely be aware of your Brow Chakra, or Third Eye – something which Azeztulite generates high vibrational energy towards. Whilst using Azeztulite on the Brow Chakra, many people have claimed to have glimpsed their future.

The vibrational energy of Azeztulite doesn’t stop there – it goes higher to the Crown Chakra, Soul Star Chakra and finally to the Higher Transpersonal Chakras. This incredible connection with higher Chakras, which otherwise would be impossible, can be achieved by combining Azeztulite with other stones and the result is a movement of energy through the body, which feels like a surge of electricity. Once this has been achieved and your Chakras are enabled you will feel more positive about your life and have greater mental clarity.

Azezulite is also believed to stimulate the kundalini, which then rises through the spine from its base. The process of awakening the Kundalini can be a positive, spiritual experience for your body and mind, strengthened by the fact that Azezulite doesn’t absorb negative energy.

Azeztulite and Its Benefits

Wearing Azeztulite jewelry is a practical way to keep Chakras activated and maintain a flow of energy to them. Beautiful necklaces, bracelets and rings containing the Quartz crystal are commonly worn by Lightworkers to advance their spiritual journey, move through higher realms and promote spiritual and personal growth – most specifically when wearing white Azeztulite.

Azeztulite Stone

Alternatively, Lightworkers may carry their crystals in a small vial. To generate maximum spiritual benefits. Azeztulite is often combined with other highly vibrational stones like Moldavite, Tanzanite, Phenacite and Danburite. Azeztulite’s powerful, spiritual energy can only be felt by the wearer and when worn on a regular basis, this can result in a greater sense of peace, harmony, and deep joy - this can even be felt by people who have little to no knowledge of energy.

Although there are many different types of clear and white Quartz crystals, Azeztulite surpasses them all with its vibrational energy, which makes for a super-fast healing process. Other healing stones can also be combined with Azeztulite to stabilize its energy, if this is something that you feel that you need. It is possible to combine higher energy stones with Azeztulite too, but this is only achievable if you are an experienced Lightworker – otherwise you are likely to suffer intense surges of energy through your body, which may feel uncomfortable if you are yet to build up an energy-tolerance.

Using Azeztulite with other Healing Stones

Healing stones work wonders for promoting calmness and clarity when they are used in your daily meditation routine and Azeztulite works particularly well when combined with other Quartz crystals like Nirvana Quartz, Amphibole Quartz and other stones like Lithium, Anxinite, Green Seraphinite, and Datolite. These combinations will help you think clearly, make better decisions and may even offer you a glimpse into the future. However, it is recommended that you begin using Azeztulite on its own, so you can familiarize yourself with its vibrational energy, then as you grow more comfortable, you can start combining stones with it.

If you are interested in high-energy crystals, with healing properties, Azezulite is a fantastic stone to have in your collection. You can buy it at any reputable online store, but to avoid the risk of purchasing a fake, it is recommended that you purchase it from a trustworthy seller like ourselves.

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