Crystals by Ailments
How to use crystals for healing:
The easiest way to use crystals is to simply keep them in your possession throughout your day, this can be achieved
with jewellery, tumblestones or even palm stones.
Using Crystals with your chakras can be introduced into meditation and relaxation, by using stones related to your chakra points.
Which Crystals to Choose:
Everyone's energies are different and therefore they will resonate with crystals differently. You do not have to use every type of crystal listed, there are multiple choices of crystals so you can find the perfect fit for you.
Disclaimer:I am not a doctor and cannot give out medical advice. Crystals and energy healing should be used as a compliment to other therapies and not as a replacement for regular medical care.
A |
Abdominal Problems |
Abundance |
Abuse |
Accidents - Reduce |
Aches and Pains |
Acid Balance |
Addiction Alcohol Abuse |
Addictions |
Aggressive Behavior |
Anxiety |
B |
Back Pain |
Balance - Emotional |
Balance - Masculine & Feminine Energy |
Balance - Physical |
Bi-Polar (Manic Depressive) |
Bladder |
Blood Circulation |
Blood Clotting |
Blood Detoxing/Cleaning |
Blood Oxygenation |
C |
Calming - Animals |
Calming/Soothing |
Cancer |
Chakra Crown |
Chakra Heart |
Chakra Root/Base |
Chakra Sacral |
Chakra Solar Plexus |
Chakra Third Eye |
Chakra Throat |
Chakras - Align |
D |
Decision Making |
Dehydration |
Dementia |
Depression |
Diabetes |
Digestive System |
Discernment |
Dizziness/Vertigo |
DNA Repair |
Dreams - Enhance/Stimulate |
Dreams - Recall |
Dying Process/Transition |
Dyslexia |
E |
Ears - General |
Ears - Hearing |
Ears - Pain |
Eating Disorder - Bulimia |
Eating Disorders - Anorexia |
Eczema |
Electromagnetic Pollution |
Emotional Balance |
Emotional Blockages |
Empathy |
F |
Fainting |
Fatigue |
Fear |
Feet - Aching |
Feet - General Health |
Fever - Reduce |
Fibromyalgia |
Fingernails/Toenails |
Focus/Concentration |
Food Poisoning |
Forgive |
Frustration - Coping With |
G |
Gallbladder |
Glands |
Goiter |
Gout |
Gratitude/Appreciation |
Grief |
Grounding |
Guilt |
H |
Happiness |
Headaches (Also see Migraines) |
Healing - Earth |
Healing - Emotional |
Healing - General |
Hearing Loss/Deaf |
Heart - Physical |
Herpes |
Hip Pain |
Hope |
I |
Immune System - Strengthening |
Impotent |
Infection |
Inferiority Complex |
Infertility |
Inflammation |
Inner Peace |
Insect Bites |
Insecure Feelings |
Insomnia |
J |
Jaundice |
Jaw |
Jealousy |
Joints - General |
Joints - Swollen |
Joy |
K |
Karma |
Kidneys - Detox |
Kidneys - General |
Knees |
Kundalini Energy |
L |
M |
Manifestation |
Meditative State |
Mediumship |
Memory - Improving |
Menopause |
Menstruation |
Menstruation - Cramping |
Menstruation - PMS |
Mental Clarity |
Metabolism - Increase |
N |
Nausea |
Neck |
Negativity - Dispel |
Nervous Energy |
Nervous System - General |
Nervous System - Regeneration/Healing |
Nightmares/Night Terrors |
Nose Bleed |
Nutrients - Increase Absorption |
O |
Obesity |
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) |
Oneness |
Osteoporosis |
Ovaries |
Over Sensitive |
Overactive - Physically |
Overactive Mind |
Overindulgence |
P |
Pain - Chronic |
Pain - Emotional |
Pain - Physical |
Pancreas |
Panic Attacks |
Parasites |
Parkinson's Disease |
Past Lives - Remembering |
Patience |
Protection |
Peacefulness |
Q |
R |
Rage |
Reflexology |
Reiki |
Relaxing |
Remote Viewing |
Renal Disease |
Reproductive Organs |
Resentment |
Rheumatism |
S |
Scars - Scar Tissue |
Schizophrenia |
Sciatica Nerve |
Seasonal Affective Disorder (S.A.D.) |
Seizures |
Self-Acceptance |
Self-Care |
Self-Confidence |
Self-Esteem |
Selflessness |
Senile |
Serenity |
Sex Drive |
T |
U |
Ulcers |
Unification |
Unselfishness |
Unworthiness |
Urinary Tract |
Uterus |
V |
Veins |
Vertigo |
Vibrations - Raising |
Viruses |
Visualization |
Vitality |
Vitamin Absorption |
Vomiting |
W |
Warts |
Water Retention |
Weakness |
Wealth - Increase |
Weight - Increase |
Weight - Reduce |
Well-being |
Will-power |
Wisdom |
Worrying - Excessive |
Wounds - Healing |
Wrinkles |
X |
Y |
Yang Energy |
Yin Energy |
Z |