How do you know your chakras are blocked & how to unblock them?
When our chakras are open and aligned our energy is free-flowing and we feel happy, healthy and vibrant. If, however, our chakras become blocked we can experience a variety of ailments – from mental disorders and physical pain to emotional unrest. To help you recognise where and why you may be suffering physical and spiritual unbalance, take a look at our guide to the seven chakras.
First or Root Chakra

The Root Chakra is located at the base of your spine, in the tailbone area. When this chakra is well-balanced, your body feels strong and grounded and your sense of connection to the physical world will be heightened.
However, when this chakra becomes unaligned, you may experience constipation or physical problems with your legs, knees, feet, rectum, sciatica and tailbone – including degenerative arthritis. If you are male, you may find that you have issues with your reproductive organs and prostate gland. There may also be repercussions for your mental health, as an unaligned Root Chakra can cause emotional unbalance and influence worries around money and nutrition, plus it is also known to increase the risk of developing an eating disorder.
To balance your Root Chakra, use Onyx, Smoky Quartz, and Garnet – making sure that you rinse your crystals under cold water before use and once utilised, these crystals should only be used for the purpose of balancing your Root Chakra. Simply lay the crystals on your tail bone for ten minutes and to finish, drink a cold glass of water, which will ensure that the balancing process continues after you remove the crystals.
Second or Sacral Chakra

This chakra is found two inches below your belly button and when it is balanced, you will find that you are more passionate, sexual and outgoing. When the Sacral Chakra is aligned, commitment levels are increased, you will find yourself feeling more creative and risk-taking becomes less frightening.
When this chakra becomes unaligned you may experience sexual and reproductive issues, as well as urinary problems, kidney dysfunctions, hip, pelvic and lower back pain. Emotional imbalances in the form of a reluctance to commit to relationships, struggling to express emotions and an inability to enjoy the little things in life can become prevalent. You may find that you feel less creative and experience less of a desire to express your sexuality, whilst your fears around impotence, betrayal and addiction can become heightened.
To help heal the Sacral Chakra, when meditating, rest a Picasso Jasper, Mookaite or Carnelian crystal just below your navel if you are laying on your back, or if you are sitting, cup a crystal in each hand.
Third or Solar Plexus Chakra

This chakra is found three inches above your belly button and when it is balanced, we experience feelings of self-respect and are more compassionate towards ourselves. Overall, a balanced Plexus Chakra can make us feel in control, assertive and confident.
When this chakra is out of alignment problems that can occur include digestive issues, liver dysfunction, chronic fatigue, high blood pressure, diabetes, stomach ulcers, pancreas and gallbladder issues and colon diseases. Emotional imbalances may manifest in the form of self-esteem issues and you may find that your inner-voice becomes more negative. An unbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra can also heighten fears around rejection, criticism, and physical appearances – which can lead to vanity becoming an obsession.
Yellow stones will help balance your Solar Plexus Chakra and Citrine, Yellow Tigers Eye, and Sunstone are particularly effective. With the Solar Plexus Chakra healing crystals being such a beautiful colour, they make lovely jewellery which, when worn, means you can have the crystal close to your body at all times.
Fourth or Heart Chakra

This chakra is situated at the heart level and when it is balanced you may feel a sense of joy, gratitude, love and compassion, with trust and forgiveness coming easier to you.
When this chakra is out of alignment problems can include asthma, heart and lung disease, issues with the breasts, lymphatic systems, upper back and shoulder problems, plus arm and wrist pain. Experiencing intense emotions is related to an imbalance and can cause jealousy, abandonment issues, anger and bitterness, as well as a fear of being alone. Alternatively, being overly loving to the point of suffocation is also a symptom of a misaligned Heart Chakra.
Wearing Aventurine, Green Agate, and Prehnite will open and balance your Heart Chakra. Place the crystal over your heart for ten to fifteen minutes, once or twice a day – ensuring that you sit upright and allow your other chakras to stack over each other.
Fifth or Throat Chakra

This chakra lies within the throat. It is the center of communication, where your social abilities are aligned and when balanced, you will be gifted with excellent communication skills. Honesty will come naturally to you and people will comment on what a good listener you are.
An unbalanced Throat Chakra can be responsible for thyroid issues, sore throats, laryngitis, TMJ, ear infections, ulcers, facial problems - including problems with your chin, cheeks, lips, or tongue. Also, neck and shoulders pain is common in people with an unbalanced Throat Chakra. Furthermore, communication skills are likely to suffer and you may find yourself struggling to express yourself through spoken or written word. If you have a lack of willpower and often feel out of control, these are symptoms of an unbalanced Throat Chakra.
Wearing crystals such as Blue Agate and Amazonite around your neck is an easy and beautiful way to balance your Throat Chakra. Patience is key here, as it can take a while for the balancing process to activate, but the results are worth the wait and you will be gifted with the ability to speak your truth.
Sixth or Third Eye Chakra

This chakra can be found in between the eyebrows and when aligned promotes a clear and focused mind, with a heightened ability to distinguish between truth and lies. You will be more open to absorbing wisdom from others and your intuition will be strong.
When your Third Eye chakra is out of alignment problems can include headaches, blurred vision, sinus issues, eyestrain, seizures, hearing loss, and hormonal dysfunction. Emotional imbalances will cause you to feel moody and volatile. You may also find yourself feeling detached from the world around you and spend your time daydreaming about exaggerated situations. A blockage on self-reflection is also common and you may find accepting your personal fears difficult and experience a reluctance to learn from others.
The Third Eye Chakra resonates to the colours of purple and indigo, with Sodalite, Lapis Lazuli and Amethyst being the traditional choices. Wearing these stones as earrings will put them in constant alignment with the third eye and are particularly effective if this is something that you are trying to develop.
Seventh or Crown Chakra

Located at the very top of your head, the Crown Chakra promotes mindfulness and the ability to live in the present moment. When this chakra is properly aligned, you will trust your inner voice to guide you through life.
However, when this chakra is out of balance, you may experience depression, a short attention span, sensitivities to light, sound and your environment, with allergies being a common side effect. You may be hindered by negative thoughts around greater power, such as confusion about your religion and spirituality – which may lead to a fear of alienation over time. Prejudices towards others will be something that you carry with you, which can affect your relationship with yourself and your peers.
Most often represented by white, or a deep purple, the Crown Chakra can be healed by Amethyst and Quartz crystals. Like the Third Eye Chakra healing stones, wearing crystals that balance The Crown Chakra as earrings is the best way to make sure that the process of alignment is constant.
By reading this guide, you will hopefully now have a greater sense of which of your chakras may be blocked. It is important to remember, that in which-ever way you are struggling, there is a crystal and self healing technique that can help you align and unblock your chakras.
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