Anxiety: Take back control with the help of Crystals
On the surface, it would seem pretty ineffective of me to suggest to those of you who suffer from anxiety not to worry. However, an honest appraisal of today’s world, with so much constant conflict, drama and stimulation, reveals more reason than not to be anxious.
Since so much of what happens to us emotionally has an unconscious component it is good, especially in an article providing healing advice, to reinforce this unfortunate truth. Take a moment and breath in that you are not alone. Anxious feelings are just as common as the smartphone.
This is because our bodies have not had the chance to catch up with our modern world. The challenge, both collectively and individually, is leading our human bodies and psyche’s space and time to adapt to the constant mental, physical, emotional and spiritual stimulation we all experience on a daily basis.
As an energy healer, my method to address any condition begins by looking through a physiological lens.
Anxiety is Worry Made (Physiologically) Real

The nervous system always focuses on what you focus on. Repetitive worrisome thoughts causes the release of stress hormones creating a “fight or flight” state in your body and mind.
The fight or flight state is characterized by high heart rate and blood pressure. Muscles, already tight from previous worrisome episodes (not to mention daily life and past traumas) turn on even more. Your brain switches to the emotional limbic brain making you more reactive, irrational and out of control.
Crystal's speak a unique vibratory language understood by the calming, para-sympathetic aspect of the autonomic nervous system.
The key to crystal use in order to address anxiety (or any condition) is based on your ability to turn your body into a vibrational antenna. The good news is, your body already is a vibrational antenna!
The problem is you have trained this antenna to pay more attention to what keeps it anxious versus to what keeps it calm… until today!
Crystals to Address Anxiety
The following crystals have been found to be useful in addressing anxiety. The key to choosing a crystal is through listening to how your body feels as you read their description and see their image.
- Blue Lace Agate - calms the mind and encourages you to speak your truth.
- Lepidolite - helps you find peace in times of stress. Also calms the mind.
- Amethyst - soothes the daily stresses keeping you awake at night.
- Angeline - Reminds you that you're not alone, helps release tension, stress and anger.
- Fluorite - crystal form of a "chill pill", neutralizes negative energy, inspires clarity, peace and harmony.
- Black Tourmaline - stone of protection, creates an energetic boundary.
- View All Stones to help with Anxiety -
One or all of these stones can be used, depending upon the various needs your day creates within you. For instance, you can have the Blue Lace Agate in your pocket during your day and use the Fluorite when you get home to reset. Then, put an Amethyst under your pillow as you sleep.
Whether you get one or many, it is important to connect to your crystal in order to attune your body and mind to its effects.
To begin, take your crystal to a quiet place. A natural environment will enhance your ability to connect.
Crystals are Amazing!
Crystals form by growing layers of complex geometric structures. There is even a theory that crystals may have been one of the earliest forms of life on our planet. This is because they too evolve. There are parent crystals that give rise to daughter crystals. They pass on traits and adopt new ones depending on what happens to them in their “lifetime.” Crystals can be as old as 4.4 billion years! Who knows, you may be holding an ancient being in your hand.
Attuning Yourself to a Crystal
Once you are in a quiet setting, place the crystal in your hand and close your eyes.
Step 1: Take in three deep breaths and after the last breath, do not breath in. Do not hold your breath. Instead, allow your inhale to come to you. Let go of your exhale. Use your inhale to connect to the support beneath you and relax your body into this support as the exhale occurs. Take as much time as you need to become calm and present. Proceed to the next step once you feel calm and ready.
Step 2: As you continue to breath, extend your senses (like a Jedi) into the crystal in your hand. Feel your hand and the crystal’s presence inside it. Notice how your body responds. Keep breathing. Ask the crystal to lead you. Open yourself to its leadership. This requires a desire to experience without judgement or expectation. Your goal is to let your body experience without editing the information or trying to turn it into something.
If you have more than one crystal take the time to breathe with each. The goal is to help your nervous system relate to each crystal's unique effect on you. The more you use your crystal in combination with breath, the more you will be able to command a relaxation effect in your body and mind as the need arises. This is an important life skill necessary to develop in today’s progressively intense world. Good luck and keep breathing!
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